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Dispute Resolution


Find out more about Dispute Resolution.

Dispute Resolutionis used to describe the process of resolving disputes between parties, it is a “catch-all” phrase for any disputes that may arise in a personal or business context including breach of contract, debt recovery, inheritance disputes or partnership disputes.

Alternative Dispute Resolution refers to a range of method that can be utilized in order to achieve a resolution to any dispute rather than becoming involved in court proceedings. For example, mediation is a form of ADR whereby parties will be given a chance to meet in separate rooms with an independent mediator to assist in negotiating a settlement.

It is extremely difficult, if not impossible to provide an accurate estimate of time as each case will depend on its nature, complexities, the court’s timetabling and an opposing party’s willingness to settle. As a general rule most cases may achieve settlement or resolution within few months but if proceedings are ongoing then it may take longer than 6 months.

The general rule is that costs follow the event meaning that the loser pays the reasonable costs of the wining party. The costs are usually comprised of, but not limited to, witness expenses, court fees, expert fees and professional legal charges.


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